dosnt work
you broke it =(
dosnt work
you broke it =(
yeah, its gone for ever dawg.
Your movies are never really funny
I never have really found your movies funny..there never really original.
im not saying they suck,i mean i like to watch them for some reason,but i never laugh out loud while watching them..and they get really boring near the middle sometimes
and my mouse started flickering when i started loading this,IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK JOKE? cursor flicker!!
the thing i like about your movies is..its always the same story,the same charecter,same style,SAME MOVIE..but for some always rocks! and its not the awesome animation..or the violence..its..i you put subliminal messages in your movies? i do? cause i love this stuff!
is that the only voice LF can do?haha...anyway that black dude needs a better voice acter,he sounded like he was being forced at gun point to say every thing!
i know this wasnt suppose to be very funny,but it wasnt really entertaining tho,but ofcourse it IS news,and you were just trying to this what NG alpha is for?...or the authers sites?..ah well
anway,i didnt know what to give this one,since it was just boring :(
ah interesting review...ha and we were trying to get you for one of the new ep.s ..but hey if you feel that way then dont know what to say other than....u do pretty good movies, and thanks for the review (oh godd!!! oh heaven and saint joseph that was hard not to say anythign sarcastic..whoa shit..i mean i wanted to say something like... wow let me go take 5 secs and make a clay movie and submit it and then think i'm tha hot shit, even though toxic bomb does way better animations than me anyway.... but good thing i held it in...wheeew that was close) thanks for the review knox
brilliant... 0=)
hey guys
Age 37, Male
Austin, TX
Joined on 4/24/03